Becoming a mother is a very special, cherished and a profoundly fulfilling experience for a woman. While pregnant,you need to eat right for yourself and the baby, so that the baby is healthy and you are able to bear the stress of delivery, feeding and caring for your newborn.
On an average, most women gain around 10 kilos during pregnancy. The weight is stored as fatty tissue in the breasts, abdomen, flanks, hips, lower body, buttocks and thighs.
Your breasts grow due to weight gain and to prepare for nursing. As the baby grows, so does your abdomen. This may result in weakening and separation of the abdominal muscles, and stretching of the abdominal skin. The stretching may cause a breakage in the skin collagen, also known as stretch marks. These marks are purple red in colour and concentrated around the belly button and the lower abdomen. All these effects become more apparent after childbirth and nursing.
Many new moms do lose the excess weight – eventually. Unfortunately, the weight loss is not proportional to the amount of fatty tissue in a given area. The weak abdominal muscles and the excess abdominal fat appear as fullness and bulging of the belly. That's why you may feel pregnant even after your child has taken her first steps.
Getting into shape after having a baby can be difficult, but it's not impossible.
The first thing you to need to know is that the healthier you are throughout your pregnancy, the sooner you will be able to bounce back into shape after delivery. Staying in shape or getting in shape before you get pregnant will greatly increase your chances of regaining your pre-pregnancy shape.
Here are four steps to help you get back in shape after childbirth:
Step 1: Nutrition
Nutrition plays a major role when getting back into shape as well as staying in shape. Avoid junk food and aerated drinks that have empty calories. They do not need to be in your body as they don’t provide nutrients. The only thing they do is lead to excess fat. Eat food that is rich in vital nutrients like organic fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of whole grains, nuts and legumes. A healthy diet is not only good for you, it also acts as an example for the rest of the family.
Step 2: Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a great way to lose weight after having a baby. Not only does it help to burn calories 10 times quicker (even up to an extra 500 calories a day), but it also helps to get your womb back into shape and give vital energy to your baby at the same time. Hence, exclusive breastfeeding for six months will certainly help with weight loss.
Step 3: Get active
If you are able to exercise and stay healthy before and throughout pregnancy, it is easier to shed weight after childbirth. After your post-partum check up, on the doctor’s clearance, you should be able to start working out again - walking, running, cycling and swimming.
Pelvic floor exercises or gentle abdomen exercises can be resumed immediately after childbirth, whether you've had a normal delivery or not. (Do check with your doctor first.) Also, as exercise releases endorphins – feel good chemicals which help in elevating your mood, it's important to start exercising at least six weeks after your delivery. Brisk walks and exercise will help keep post-partum blues at bay.
Step 4: Have a positive attitude
A positive attitude with realistic goals to lose weight will go a long way. Remember it took your body nine months to create a baby; it needs time to get back to its original shape.
***The article has been originally written by Dr Suma. C, Consultant - Gynecology & Obstetrics, Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal, Bangalore