New version of Pokemon GO is released last month. But there are symptoms which means that you are addidcted into it.
- You go out hunting Pokémon in all kinds of weather but you’re not always aware of your real life surroundings.
- You go to church more than once a day.
- You can't stay away from your local park.
- You visit 'interesting' places you'd normally avoid.
- You can't believe it when you see someone with a phone NOT playing Pokèmon GO.
- You try and fit in with teenagers to get the latest Pokémon GO tips.
- You've started volunteering to walk the dog.
- Even when you're playing other games, you're still thinking about Pokémon GO.
- Your non-Pokemon playing friends think you've learnt another language entirely. Because "rattata", "spearow" and "zubat" mean absolutely nothing to them.
- You're suddenly late to everything because you open Pokemon every time you walk somewhere and stopping at Pokestops and catching three Rattatas takes TIME, okay?
- You've considered getting a dog just to affix your phone to so your eggs will hatch quicker. Since when did 5k take so long to walk?
- But then the app does that stupid thing when it freezes and the only thing you can do is to get it to work again is to close and re-open so you lose your rare Pokemon and you could CRY. WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?
- You've definitely pretended to look like you're on Google Maps looking for your direction rather than hunting for Pokemon.
- You heard the hack about catching Pikachu first and were so regretful you didn't know this at the start of your Pokemon quest you almost considered starting again. But then you got real and realised those 79 Pokemon you've got in your Pokedex took effort to catch.
- The contents of your Pokemon backpack is almost as valuable to you as the contents of your real life handbag. Those incenses don't come easy, you know.
- You've had actual dreams about finding Charizard and, like with everything else in life, you won't stop until you've achieved it.
- Levels of frustration were HIGH over the weekend after you'd purposely set aside time to go Pokemon hunting in really cool locations but the whole app was down goddammit.
If you're falling any of the above then which means that you're addicted with it.