Asylum seekers who is trying to enter in Australia are now facing life-time ban.
Asylum seekers sent to Manus Island and Nauru after attempting to travel to Australia by boat would be permanently banned from applying to enter the county under a proposed new law announced on Sunday.
The legislation expected to be put to parliament next week will mean even the asylum seekers who have arrived by boat and chosen to return to their home country after 2013, will be banned from obtaining a visa of any kind, even as a tourist.
Speaking in Sydney, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the government would seek to amend the Migration Act (1958) to prevent irregular maritime arrivals taken to a regional processing country from making a valid application for an Australian visa, even if they had been classified as refugees.
"The bill will apply to all taken to a regional processing country since the 19th of July, 2013," Turnbull said.
The current policy of sending asylum seekers who arrive in Australian waters by boat to countries like Papua New Guinea and Nauru where their status as refugees is confirmed or rejected has bipartisan support in the Australian parliament.
It was on July 19, 2013, that previous Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd declared that no irregular maritime arrival would ever settle in Australia.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said the policy would not apply to anyone who was under the age of 18 on the date they arrived at either Manus Island, Nauru or any other country designated as a regional processing country.
Up to 3,000 people on Manus Island, Nauru or in Australia undergoing medical treatment could be affected by the proposed laws.
Refugee lawyer David Manne said Australia should be doing more to protect displaced people and queried why the country needed to be taking even tougher measures.
"It is fundamental that Australia lifts its effort to make a far greater contribution to this global crisis," he said.
"The way to do it is not to propose further measures that are about protecting borders rather than protecting people," Manne said.
The proposed bill will be introduced in the next parliamentary sitting week.
Turnbull said the legislation is about sending a united and concerted message to people smugglers. Turnbull said there had not been a successful attempt by people smugglers to bring irregular maritime arrivals to Australia in more than 800 days.
"If they seek to bring people to Australia those passengers will never settle in this country," he said.