Facebook's Workplace open the door for users where they were unable to use Facebook at their work place. This will solve the issue of being caught or getting suspended at work by bosses for using Facebook.
People will soon have two Facebook accounts—a personal one for friends and an official one. Workplace which is being touted as an e-mail killer, quite like Slack and Yammer, lets users post about their work, follow updates of colleagues, watch live company broadcasts and form groups to discuss projects.
This is all the more important in companies where staffers are in the field with smartphones, and not laptops. While accessing the personal Facebook account has no charge, in the case of Workplace, businesses need to pay between $1 and $3 a month per active user in the organisation. It will create a new revenue stream for Facebook, which largely relies on advertising revenues.
Workplace incorporates all Facebook features such as News Feed, sharing in Groups, Live, Reactions, Search and Trending posts. With 1.7 billion users already, corporates need not invest in training people using the newest communications tool.
Also, the user loses access to the account the moment he quits the organisation. Workplace is already running in over a 1,000 organisations globally, including Starbucks, Danone, YES Bank and Government Technology Agency of Singapore. India, leads the world in the adoption of Workplace followed by the US, Norway, UK and France. While it is expected to increase bonding at work, it doesn’t mean that one can send an emoji to the boss.