Monday 3 October 2016

You should never share these things on Facebook


We all have one thing common in Facebook. We love to share our feelings. Then we feel regret.

People often hand identity thieves the 'keys' to steal their identity – or their actual, physical goods – on social media services such as Facebook, according to Time magazine.

All it takes is a trending hashtag, and people can reveal seriously damaging information – which can lead directly to theft.

Pictures of your pay cheque

Posting images of a pay cheque from a new job is quite a natural thing to do – but it’s a seriously bad idea.

In 2014, a cybercrime ring targeted users who had shared images of their pay cheques on Instagram with the hashtag #myfirstpaycheck.

The thieves were able to use the information to make fake cheques and steal from companies.

Your holiday snaps – while you’re on holiday

Most of us are guilty of this one, but holiday snaps are targeted by thieves – as a dead giveaway that you’re not in our house.

If you post holiday snaps, thieves could check geotags on photos taken in your home – and use that information to break in and steal from you.

That funny picture on your driving licence or your passport

If you’re celebrating getting your licence – or you just want to show off the awful picture – you might share an image of your passport, or your driver’s licence.

Bad idea.

Both documents contain more than enough information for a serious identity theft attack – offering date of birth, location of birth and full name.



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