Saturday 26 November 2016

An Ebola Nurse Suspended For Concealing Pauline Cafferkey's Temperature

Pauline Cafferkey

A nurse has avoided being struck off for concealing the fact that medic Pauline Cafferkey had a raised temperature before she tested positive for Ebola.

The high temperature, noted on December 28 2014, should have triggered concerns that Ms Cafferkey was infected with the deadly virus.

But Donna Wood suggested a lower temperature was recorded on Ms Cafferkey's form so they could pass through the screening process at passport control at Heathrow Airport more quickly, a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) panel found.

Ms Wood was handed a two-month suspension order during a hearing in Stratford, east London, on Friday, after the panel found her fitness to practise had been impaired on public interest grounds.

Ms Wood had faced the possibility of being struck off as a result of the hearing.



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