Black and white moggy Betty managed to scale the wooden pole at the bottom of a neighbour’s garden in the village of Cam, Gloucestershire.
But she was stranded for 24 hours and only rescued after neighbours heard her cries and phoned the RSPCA.
The RSPCA arranged for utility firm Western Power Distribution to switch off the electricity to supply for the whole street while the hapless cat was rescued.

An electricity worker scaled a ladder to retrieve the terrified pet as firefighters stood below with a tarpaulin to catch her if she fell.
An RSPCA officer gave Betty a quick check when she had been brought down on Friday but the pet was unharmed.

Resident Myrtle Parker, whose garden the pole was in, said: “We heard a meowing the day before but thought nothing of it.
“Then today we looked up and saw her there. She must have been there since yesterday afternoon.”
Neighbour Brian Woolls added: “There are quite a lot of cats here who go over the garage roofs but I have never seen one up a pole.