E-cig smokers may be exposing themselves to high levels of cancer causing chemicals, according to new research.
Benzene, found in traffic pollution and paint stripper, has been linked to a number of diseases including leukaemia and bone marrow failure.
Now scientists have found that levels can form in the vapours of the devices when they are operated at high power.
These are much higher than those found in the surrounding atmosphere - which have been linked to increased cancer risk.
The higher an e-cig's voltage, the greater the resulting amount of vapour. This means a stronger throat hit and more intense taste.
Vaping competitions, where participants produce huge clouds of smoke, have become increasingly trendy with the world championship offering total prize money of $100,000.
Benzene is a component of petrol and is found in urban air because of industrial emissions and traffic pollution.

It has been named the biggest single cancer-risk ambient air toxin in the United States.
Significant amounts of benzene was detected in of the devices, also known as vapes, at power levels well within the manufacturer's recommended range of settings.
The power levels used in the study were still far below those accessible to users on some devices, which can exceed 200 watts.
Professor James Pankow, of Portland State University, said: "The fact vaping can deliver benzene levels many times higher than those found in the ambient atmosphere - where it is already recognised as a cancer risk - should be of concern to anyone using e-cigarettes. Please, stay away from high power if it's available on your device."
He tested three different devices and found the tank-type that allows power to be varied was capable of producing benzene thousands of times higher than in ambient air when e-cig chemicals benzoic acid or benzaldehyde were added.

The researchers said their finding published in PLOS ONE was alarming, despite the levels still being 50 to 100 times reduce than in smoke from conventional cigarettes.
Variable voltage e-cigs make it possible to change the power of the device to produce just the right flavour for personal choice. Some taste better on low voltage where others improve on high.
They produce more vapour than the small e-cigs most people buy when they first begin vaping with the 'cigarette lookalike'.
The power levels used in the study were still far below those accessible to users on some devices, which can exceed 200 watts.
The study follows research last month that suggested e-cigs can be just as bad for the heart as conventional cigarettes.
E-cigs are used by almost three million Brits, with many relying on them to help kick their smoking habit.
But evidence is mounting vaping is not as safe as many people were led to believe, after a number of controversial studies pointed to the risks.
Last year Swedish scientists said just ten puffs on a vape can be enough to increase the risk of developing heart disease.
Other studies have warned of further risks, including one which pointed to long-term health damage for e-smokers even if they don't lead to tobacco use.
Further research has suggested that e-cigs can actually make it harder to quit smoking, or even serve as a gateway leading to non-smokers being introduced to the real thing.
But many health bodies still view vaping as a safer alternative, with Public Health England saying the devices are "around 95 per cent less harmful than smoking."