There are several things you should do before you take flight. Check that you’re in the right seat, check that your seatbelt is secure, that your headphones are working and check under your seat.
While the safety video that plays while your aircraft taxi’s along the runway advises there us a lifejacket under your seat – it is always best to check to make sure it is actually there.
This is because some travellers have been known to take the lifejackets as “souvenirs” in the past – unbeknownst to the flight crew.
So it would be best to check this out before the plane becomes air bound rather than in the middle of an emergency.
“People take those life jackets, located under or between your seat, as souvenirs," airline expert George Hobica told The Huffington Post.
He added that he thinks it should be a “vile and punishable offence”.
While the cabin crew do checks, this usually takes place at the beginning of the day.
And when crews are doing multiple flights every day with short turn-overs, there may not be enough time to check every seat individually – especially on larger aircrafts.
While there is a very small chance you will ever be involved in a plane crash, these kinds of safety checks are what will better your chances of survival.
Meanwhile, an orthopaedic surgeon has revealed why we should all take a tennis ball in our carry-on luggage.