You are just or about to board into the flight to reach your destination safely and smoothly.
When it comes to long-haul flights or even the short-haul flights for some, most people prefer it when the seat next to them is empty.
If you are travelling with someone you can usually get an empty seat next you quite easily.
Simply book the aisle seat and the window seat of the same row and most of the time this will work.
But if you are on your own then to increase your chances, to start with try and pick the right seats.
Be warned that when you first select your seats, even if there are empty seats next you, chances are they will possibly fill up by the time of departure.
To have a better chance of not having anyone sit next you is by picking a seat near the back.
Most people will not pick seats well in advance and for those travellers who wait until check-in, usually the airline employee will choose for them.
The staff will try and space passengers out, but as the aircraft gets full, they generally move from front to back.
Therefore, if you choose a seat at the back, chances are it will stay empty for longer.
And if you can, select an aisle seat as many passengers do not like climbing over strangers on a plane.
To really maximise you chances of avoiding sitting next to someone on a plane, Darius Dubash, shares this trick on Million Mile Secrets.
Once at the airport, while you are waiting around, check the seating chart on your airline’s smartphone app.
If the seats around you are full, use the app to switch your seat right at the gate.
Darius claimed that this can work right up to the last minute before boarding.
However, some airlines may not let you change your seat after check-in and if that is the case, use the seat to checking the chart for open spots.
Then at the departure gate ask the airline employee if they will let you switch.
These tips does not guarantee you will get an empty seat next to you; especially if the flight is full or there is a last minute seat reassignment - but it is worth trying if you want some extra space.