Keeping children safe online is an ongoing issue that demands adults stay up to speed on managing digital security.
And while parents are clearly concerned about what their kids may find online, research shows that many don't keep track of their kids' browsing habits.
Security experts at Intel Security studied 13,000 people worldwide and concluded that while 79% of parents are worried about online safety, only 60% actually keep track of online behaviour.
What's more, 40% of the 1,000 British parents that made up part of the research said they were totally unaware of their children's online activity.
Interestingly, a third of parents (29%) said they would monitor their children’s online activity if there was an easier way to do it.
“Technology has revolutionised our home lives, with many parents relying on devices to help their children with learning and entertainment” said Nick Viney, VP of Consumer at Intel Security.
“However, we need to empower parents to actively manage how their families interact with those devices, to ensure the benefits continue to outweigh the potential risks.
When the correct security and privacy measures are taken, everyone in the family will feel more protected enabling them to fully enjoy all the benefits of living in a smart home.”
Intel has laid out a series of tips for parents to follow if they're concerned about what their kids might be doing online:
- Start conversations early. If you start talking about online safety early, it will make your job that much easier when your children get older. If your kids are young, start with simple rules like: “don’t open emails from people you don’t know.” You want online safety to be part of normal behavior.
- Set a good example. It’s easy to get caught up spending a lot of time on our devices, and kids pick up our habits – both good and bad. Set a positive example by limiting your time on social networks when at home and putting your phone away during dinner and family time.
- Keep strangers out. Most children have been using devices from an early age, desensitising them to the potentials risks of online behavior. A false sense of security can set in for children and they could be unknowingly interacting with a social predator or dangerous person posing as a teen (catfish). Remind kids that anyone can create a profile and to decline friend requests from strangers.
- Take control of your home network. The home network is the hub for all of your connected devices. New solutions, such as McAfee Secure Home Platform, help you easily manage and protect devices connected to this network while providing parental controls with permissions that can be tailored to the entire household.