We've known for years that having 'Password1' as your security code isn't the safest, and now a list of the world's most common passwords has revealed what else we should all be avoiding.
Highlighting how fast and loose many of us are being with our personal security, a new study has revealed the world's 25 most regularly used passwords, and there's a lot that wouldn't be too tricky to guess.
Amazingly, however, we're all starting to show a bit of growth, with 'password' just the eighth most common password around.
Disappointingly though, we've not really moved much further up the common sense ladder, with '123456' the most regularly used password going.
The figures, which are based on 10 million hacked usernames and passwords, showed a staggering 17% of accounts have '123456' as their password.
This is followed in the podium positions by '123456789' in second and the equally uninventive 'qwerty' in third.

Showing just how little many of us value our privacy and security, spots four through seven on the most used passwords list comprise of '12345678', '111111', '1234567890', and '1234567' respectively.
Of the top 25 list, the only surprising additions are 'mynoob' in 12th, 'l8atcskd2w' in 15th and 'google' down in p21.
Revealing just how lax we're all being, according to password manager Keeper, more than 50% of the world's computer users have one of the top 25 most common passwords as their security code.
If this is you, you might want to change your password like, right now.
According to Keeper's researchers: "The list of most-frequently used passwords has changed little over the past few years.
"While it's important for users to be aware of risks, a sizeable minority are never going to take the time or effort to protect themselves.
"Email providers could do everyone a favour by flagging this kind of repetition and reporting the guilty parties."
The full list of the 25 most common passwords can be seen below.
- 123456
- 123456789
- qwerty
- 12345678
- 111111
- 1234567890
- 1234567
- password
- 123123
- 987654321
- qwertyuiop
- mynoob
- 123321
- 666666
- 18atcskd2w
- 7777777
- 1q2w3e4r
- 654321
- 555555
- 3rjs1la7qe
- 1q2w3e4r5t
- 123qwe
- zxcvbnm
- 1q2w3e